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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

How Planting Trees Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

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Trees have been around for a significantly longer time than we have. They have been holding this planet together for years, feeding it air and sustenance in order for us to thrive in the way that we have. The best way to help give back and keep this going is to lower our own carbon footprint in our daily lives.

Along with planting trees for new growth, it is also important to protect the forests that already exist, from deforestation and ecological disasters. There are many organizations doing this already, all over the world. Our planet’s future is in everyone’s hands. Many people have already taken great risks and huge workloads to keep forests from being destroyed while also planting new ones.

Not just carbon benefits

Not only do trees absorb carbon and release oxygen, helping our air be clean and breathable; they also help us in so many ways. One fully grown adult tree absorbs on average 1,000 gallons (4.55 m³) of rain every year. Meaning rainwater doesn’t need pumping out of overflowing storm drains, which takes a lot of additional energy. It even prevents damaging floods.

Trees provide shelter by giving us materials to build our homes, warmth by filling our fireplaces and fire pits all over the world. Trees promote employment by being a commodity for imports and exports. Some leaves found on certain trees have been used to create medicine for thousands of years. By planting more trees, we help to positively influence all these factors.

How Much Difference Will It Make?

As trees grow, they can consume 21 kilos of carbon dioxide a year. They also take in other greenhouse gases as a bonus. Alongside this, they also give you enough oxygen for 2 years which is essential for human survival. So while we are eating our delicious food and getting our carbon, a tree is doing it from the surrounding air.

When a tree removes carbon from the air and replaces it with oxygen, it helps massively to reduce the level of global warming. On top of that, it gives us a cleaner healthier climate to enjoy all of our days in. So it makes a huge difference to plant a tree and help save a forest today! We can all help out!

Trees Help To Save Energy

You may not immediately think of trees for saving energy, but their importance cannot be ignored. The shade and water vapour trees in cities and urban areas release is estimated to lower peak temperatures from 20 to 45 °F. In addition, shade on a building from trees can also reduce internal temperatures by 8–10 °F. Imagine the savings on air conditioners.

Trees do not just help in the summer. Their winter help is vital, for providing windbreaks around buildings which can reduce heat loss by as much as 50%. This alone would reduce your heating costs and energy consumption at the same time. This reduction is a key element in lowering your footprint as most energy consumption is due to electrical production.

Not Just A Carbon Footprint, Trees are Beautiful

With all the data aside and the numbers forgotten. We all love a walk through the forest or a picnic in the park. So while we are doing these things, why not take some time to plant a tree and protect the forests. By doing so, you are also securing a future where everyone can carry on enjoying those simple pleasures.

We Can All Help

It’s the little things that help, and sometimes people feel powerless to do so. Maybe because of location, money, or time. No tree to plant or forest to save nearby? Then you can always clean a local green spot or volunteer somewhere that is helping the cause. Then you too will be a part of the move towards helping our environment.

How Do I Find Out More?

If you’re struggling to find out where to help, a quick google search for your local tree planting or forest restoration organization can be easy enough. In addition, asking your local council for information can help. What’s more, there are many charities, like, ‘One tree planted’, ‘Trees for the future’ and ‘Woodland trust’ who are all there to help and guide you.

Working with these organizations, you can not only help with the planting of trees but also with the equally, if not more important job, of protecting what’s already there. Forests have given so much and need to be sustained with the knowledge that these places have. Also, the simple act of planting nearby your house or workplace can be just as rewarding.

Lower Your Carbon Footprint And Help Everyone

The move forward has already started across the globe to help; all it takes is for you to join the wave. If you help the environment, you consequently help yourself! By planting a tree you are renewing what’s been taken too. As more of us gain access to clean energy and improved water treatment, we all benefit. Therefore, plant a tree.

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