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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Januvia- Medication for Type 2 Diabetes

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Januvia, which is also known as Sitagliptin, is a type of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor. It is an oral diabetes medicine used with an appropriate diet and exercise module in the course of treating type 2 diabetes. 

Januvia increases incretins, which is a hormone that decreases blood glucose levels. It sends out signals to the liver to stop producing sugar ( glucose) in case of excess sugar in the blood after meals. Januvia helps in curing type 2 diabetes only, so people with type 1 diabetes shouldn’t consume these tablets.

How does Januvia work?

There should be a certain amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood. If the blood sugar level drops or becomes excessive, both condition is harmful to your body. The extreme blood sugar level in the body is known as hyperglycemia. In this condition, the glucose stays in your bloodstream instead of reaching your body’s cells. Sugar in cells is useful for providing energy, and if they don’t have energy, then your vital organs like kidney or heart may cause dysfunction over time. Insulin is a type of hormone which helps to control blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes resists insulin usage in your body, which increases the sugar in your blood. Diet and exercise alone can’t reduce the sugar levels, so medication like Januvia helps maintain it.

The function of Januvia in your body

Januvia increases the amount of insulin in the body, which in turn helps in lowering the sugar level in your blood. Januvia helps to restrict this DPP-4 (Dipeptidyl peptidase 4, responsible for the decrease in insulin in the body) and increases the GLP-1 and GIP, which stimulates the secretion of insulin in the body. The presence of a higher level of GLP-1 ensures less release of glucagon hormone, which increases glucose in the blood. So a restriction on glucagon secretion means a decrease of sugar in the blood.

How effective is Januvia?

A clinical study was conducted with 229 people for 24 weeks to evaluate the effect of Januvia on type 2 diabetes. Before this experiment, they hadn’t taken any medication or diabetic drug for seven weeks. At the end of the study, the inference was that after taking Januvia, A1C levels in these participants were 0.6% lower than before the study. A1C level measures how well your body is controlling blood sugar levels over a period.

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Uses of Januvia

This drug should be taken when prescribed by your doctor. This drug has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat type 2 diabetes only. Refer to the medication guide and follow the instructions carefully. This drug isn’t free of side effects and made for specific conditions only. So please don’t share it with others without referring to the doctor first. Metformin, pioglitazone, rosiglitazone, glimepiride, insulin are some of the effective medicines along with Januvia. Your doctor may prescribe other drugs like these with Januvia to treat diabetes.

Side Effects of Januvia

It is imperative to consider the side effects of any drug carefully. This drug can cause both common as well as some serious side effects. The standard or less dangerous side effects include headache and the common cold. The more severe complications that can happen are pancreatitis, which is inflammation of the pancreas. If you ever had heart failure or have any problems in kidneys, do tell the doctor before taking these pills. 

Take note of ingredients including Sitagliptin, and if you are allergic to any of those, don’t take this medicine. The symptoms of skin allergies are rashes, hives, swelling of lips, tongue, or face. The risk of hypoglycemia, meaning low blood sugar, is a possible side effect. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also consult a doctor before taking it. Alcohol consumption with these tablets is prohibited, and it’s pretty unsafe.


Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a long term ailment, so treatment also is a long term affair. A consistent sugar-monitoring test is required; if you observe a decrease in sugar levels, don’t stop taking medicines without consulting your doctor. Keep in mind about the overdose condition for which the symptoms are excessive sweating, heart palpations, unusual restlessness, uncontrollable shaking in parts of the body. Visit your doctor as soon as possible in this condition. 

Apart from medication, try to maintain your blood sugar level naturally. Follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly to keep yourself from obesity. Avoid overeating and other sugary food items as much as possible. Maintain discipline in food consumption timing and your medication timing. Choose exercises that work for you and try to be regular. Diabetes is to be treated carefully, and the maintenance of your health is the only way by which you can defeat it to live a long and healthy life.

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